Sunday 29 May 2011

Awe and Amazement

I'm taking a few minutes to share a remarkable story that my father experienced this past weekend:

My parents have been participating in spiritual development workshops during the last year. This past Saturday, they had a special workshop where all the participants from all the different groups came together for the day. The woman who was leading the workshop lead a special group meditation for Maya after their lunch break. Once the meditation was over, the woman who was sitting next to my dad put her hand on his arm and said, "I'm a nurse at Sainte-Justine hospital and I'm the one who prepped your grandaughter for her surgery." My dad just about fell out of his chair. She went on to say that she remembered Robbie and I following behind Maya holding hands and she was particulary touched by how calm and ready Maya seemed as she wheeled her into surgery.

The past two weeks have been filled with so many similar stories that have awed and amazed and brought tremendous comfort to us. Life is truly amazing, even during the most difficult of times.

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