Sunday 29 May 2011

Spreading Holiday Cheer!

Much of our holidays were spent with family and friends and it did us a world of good. The good news we received December 8th concerning Maya gave us great joy and lightness. This was quickly followed by a feeling of exhaustion like we’ve never felt before —a feeling of exhaustion so deep that we could hardly bring ourselves to get up out of bed in the morning, let alone be active with our two young girls. Thank goodness for friends and family who brought us meals and offered to take the girls and allow us some much needed rest and quiet time.

All of you who have been following our journey are aware just how quickly things happened in November and how intense it all was. Robbie and I ran on adrenalin for about a month and never really had time to fully take in and process everything that was happening. Once we got the good news, our adrenalin rush melted away and we were finally able to take the time to process and integrate everything that had happened within the last month.

This holiday season allowed us to share our happiness and sadness with the ones we love. It also gave us the opportunity to hug and thank the many people who have been sending us their love and light throughout this time. And it gave many people the opportunity to see Maya with their own eyes, to play with her and to see just how well she is doing. Everyone who spends time with Maya is amazed by how happy and healthy she is and how unaffected she seems to be by her loss of eyesight. Her presence at various family gatherings eased people’s minds and allowed them to heal in their own way.

The most magical part of this holiday season was watching Maya surrounded by her closest family and friends. Her heart was filled with so much love that it spilled out everywhere she went. At our first family supper on the 22nd of December we were all sitting around my parents’ dining room table ready to share in our annual turkey supper. The table was beautifully set, there were candles and Christmas lights everywhere and the ambiance was festive. After saying grace, Maya looked at everyone around the table and said, “I just love having my family around me”. There was not a dry eye in the house. How can a three year-old know the perfect thing to say? There were many moments like these throughout the holidays where Maya spontaneously did or said something that filled our hearts with love.

Maya has always been a very loving person and her experience with losing her eye to cancer has only enhanced that quality within her. She seems set on enjoying life and making the most out of every moment. She is confident, strong and able to express herself in ways I could never have imagined. She is wise beyond her years and, boy, are we ever proud of her!

Now we embark on a new journey of having Maya’s prosthetic eye made.  We go on Monday (January 3rd) to meet with the ocularist for a preliminary consultation. We are excited to get this process started and have a better idea of what steps will be taken before finally getting the prosthesis. Being a creature of habit, Maya does not want her new fake eye and prefers to keep the clear lens she currently has in her eye. There is still a lot unknown for her and we hope that Monday’s appointment will help her feel better about the whole process.

As the holiday season comes to a close, Robbie and I finally feel ready for “normal” life and getting back to our regular routines. We both recognize that we will forever be faced with what we all went through between November 8th and December 8th and that’s fine. It is now a part of our journey and we will live it in the best way we possibly can.

 We hope your holidays were joyful. Enjoy every day, smile lots and spread as much love and light as you can around you.

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