Sunday 29 May 2011

Spread the Light

We asked you for your positive thoughts, prayers, visualizations, etc. and boy did you deliver. Our news has spread like wildfire and your messages of love and light came to us right away. Words cannot express the gratitude we feel for this outpouring of support. You have all sent us love, each in your own special way: prayer circles, healing rituals, visualizations, blessings, prayers in churches, synagogues and homes.

Many people have commented on our strength. All I can respond to that is that this strength resides in everyone. We have simply made the choice to experience this journey with acceptance and fill our hearts with love and light rather than anger or sadness. We do not search the why of things but simply live this time moment to moment and experience every aspect of it. Your good thoughts and support have literally filled our hearts with so much love and light that there is no place for any kind of negative emotion.

Maya is doing great. She is her happy, bubbly self playing and laughing and bringing joy to our hearts. Her 3 year-old conscious self is less aware of what is going on but her soul knows. We feel like she has known for a while that this was coming and she is at peace and ready to embark on this journey. She is spreading love and light to all of us, including all of you. Take Maya’s light and put it into your hearts. We are all eternally grateful everyone who has opened their hearts to our family.

If you feel so inclined, light a special light in Maya’s honour to help spread light around the world: a candle, Christmas lights if you have them set up, a special light in your home, etc. Know that we feel your energy and it is supporting us through this challenging time.  Thank you from the openness of our hearts.

This is the last picture taken before her surgery:

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