Sunday 29 May 2011

A Miracle for Maya

We did it...we got through this day ending it with some good laughs. We arrived at the oncology ward a little early to give Maya a chance to play in the beautiful playroom. She made pretend meals in the play kitchen, played with the cars and even decorated a reindeer with glittery stickers and Christmas ornaments. It was a peaceful time for Maya and a time for Robbie and I to be quiet (and cry some). Her nurse called her in and put numbing gel on her hands and we then watched Maya walk around with both hands in the air, as if afraid she would make the cream disappear. About a half hour later, she brought Maya to put her I.V. in. She had a singing chipmunk to keep Maya entertained...however, Maya was more interested in the needle being put in than the dancing, singing chipmunk.

We then ventured over to the MRI ward which felt very cold and dungeon-like. Maya agreed and had a complete meltdown. Blankie came to the rescue once again as they sedated her. She fought sleep until I put her blankie under her nose (any of you who know her can picture this image perfectly!) and then she was out like a light. I sat in the MRI room with her and Robbie was out in the hall. It was unnerving at first because it was so loud and I know how much Maya hates loud noises. But she was fine and the MRI ended before we knew it. We spent the next two hours sitting by her side, waiting for her to wake up. We watched her sleep, talked, had some lunch (thank you Mom and Dad for going to get us lunch) and just reflected on the past week.

Around 1:30, Maya started stirring and it wasn't long and her bright eyes opened and she greeted us with a huge Maya smile. She was thirsty, hungry and ready to get out of there. After drinking some juice, her IV was taken out and we were given our walking papers. We spent the rest of the day keeping close tabs on her as she reminded us of someone who's had too much to drink: slurred speech, little balance, feeling the love, etc. When we got back to Adie's house, she ate a bagel and cream cheese and downed a huge glass of milk and then off she went to play.

A little while later, Dr. S, our ophthalmologist called me on my cell phone and was SUPER happy to announce that Maya's cancer is contained in her right eye only. Therefore, removing the eye will be a cure for our beautiful girl. So here is where we stand at the moment:

1-Tomorrow we arrive at the hospital at 7 a.m.

2-Once she is under general anesthesia, they will do a complete exam of both eyes to further confirm the results of the scan.

3-They will inform us of the results of this test and then they will proceed with the removal of the eye.

4-The surgery should take 1-2 hours at the most and Maya should be able to go home the next day.

5-Within a few days, we will receive the results of the pathology tests that will confirm whether or not any cancer cells travelled into the optic nerve or not (although it is not suspected that they have).

6-We will have Ella's eyes examined on Wednesday, as this could be a hereditary disease.

7-In 3-4 months we will receive the results of the genetic testing and we will know more about whether it was a genetic mutation or an accident of nature (which is what we are praying for).

As much as it is difficult to accept the finality of this surgery, it gives Maya her life. Tomorrow will be a very difficult and emotional day, but it will also be a happy day. Maya's tumour will be gone.

We love you all and we thank you once again for all your thoughts and prayers. I will post again as soon as I can to let you know how tomorrow goes.

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